The "Internet Reformation" (as we call it) is a natural outgrowth of our perception that the 'Net itself is a kind of modern-day Gutenberg Press. It's a concept we've been writing about for nearly a decade. Initially, it seemed like an interesting theory, but everything keeps falling into place and the historical parallels are startling. What they seem to reveal is an upcoming electronically-based Renaissance of sorts.
This is of course not necessarily a popular view. The alternative Internet media is often relentlessly gloomy. One is bombarded daily with information about the 5,000-year-old evil of the Illuminati, the impossibility of stopping the New World Order, the invulnerability of the world's great banking families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers who are said to control tens or even hundreds of trillions.
And yet, look around. Despite the challenges, there is plenty of evidence of pushback. And why shouldn't this trend continue, no matter what counterattacks are made?
Look at history. The Catholic Church launched its Counter-Reformation but wasn't successful in stopping either Lutheranism or Protestantism. The elites of the day tried to license printing presses but were not successful. They tried to confiscate books as well. Finally, they tried war, but eventually had to declare a peace via the Treaty of Westphalia that established the modern nation state.
What was seemingly at work then, as now, is Marshall McLuhan's "hive mind." People may scoff at the concept of a hive mind, but humans are seemingly structured to seize on the most modern concepts as part of the struggle to survive and get ahead. The stale nostrums of the modern Dark Age – the 20th century – are giving way to a dawn of knowledge hitherto repressed by the power elite.
The discovery of the 10,000 year-old-city of Dwarka off the coast of India, the probable reality of a universe organized by electricity rather than gravity, the existence of abiotic oil generated by geological processes, the reality of vitamin therapy and naturopathy have all found popularity on the Internet – along with the free-market economics of Austrians such as Ludwig von Mises. Twenty years ago, such concepts and discoveries would not have been mentioned, generally, let alone circulated.
The Internet has begun to blow up power elite memes – the fear-based promotions by which the Anglo-American elites have sought to control society. Literally trillions of dollars have been thrown into an effort to create a network of political structures (UN, IMF, BIS, etc.), think tanks, educational facilities and popular media that can amplify these dominant social themes. Once they have become part of the public consciousness, authoritarian and globalist solutions are inevitably proposed. It looks like a natural process but in fact, it is an entirely artificial one.
The same process takes place as regards investing. Fear-based themes such as global warming are promoted with increasing fervor over years and decades. International political solutions are introduced along with corporate solutions. Companies large and small proclaim "green" solutions even though global warming has been massively discredited.
And the scale at which the Anglo-American power elite works is almost unfathomable, and the current conspiracy to create One World Government probably goes back at least 300 years. From bases in the City of London, the Vatican and Washington DC, seep deliberate promotions – often seemingly honed within the Tavistock Institute. A handful of great banking families along with their religious, corporate and military facilitators, go to work to waft them around the world.
Once the dominant social themes and sub themes are distributed via the controlled mainstream media, the UN and other internationalist institutions produce solutions that inevitably involve more control for the globalists at the expense of the world's unknowing citizenry.
There are vast sums of money to be made as well within this great game of mind control. Private companies are provided with "solutions" to the elite promotions of the day. These entities, controlled by the elites, funded by their hedge funds and private money, are gradually released onto the world's great exchanges.
Once the companies are public, cash is funneled back to its inevitable elite destination where the "wisemen" have vast seed positions at virtually no cost. The great families and their facilitators siphon off proceeds from their manipulations and invest the funds in more tangible assets such as real estate, oil and precious metals. The real estate is developed; the oil is marketed; the gold and silver finds its way back to Switzerland where it is stored in deep vaults and subject to off-the-books accounting by Switzerland's many private banks.
It is probably that simple. First they seed the fear, then they deliver the dreams, then they blow off their 8.5 x 11 pieces of paper into smaller pieces of paper (fiat money), then they quickly convert that devaluing paper into tangible assets. Central banks are the control hub that gives the elite this power through money creation. Mainstream media is complicit in aiding and abetting the entire societal wealth-draining process, which is cloaked under a statist religion we call "regulatory democracy."
This is the process that seems to have emerged painstakingly over the past century.The artificial business cycle itself helps consolidate this centralization. It is a work of virtual genius that has been elaborated on patiently over decades and centuries. Fortunately for the rest of the world, the Internet and its billions of bloggers and viewers has exposed every part of its operations. This is becoming a problem for the elites as the dollar reserve currency gradually collapses along with faith in individual securities investing to generate retirement income.
All these manipulations are increasingly exposed. How do I know? You're reading this article aren't you? And even those who do not read this article may read similar analyses elsewhere. The same thing happened once the Gutenberg Press was discovered. People read the bible for themselves in vulgate and began to realize that the current corrupt version of the Roman Catholic Church did not correspond to the Holy Word. The word spread; revolutions and regime changes began.
It's happening today for the same reasons. There were financial crises in Europe when the Gutenberg Press was expanding its influence. The financial crises combined with the explosion of information offered by books to create the Renaissance.
The elites of the day tried to manipulate the explosion of knowledge via the Reformation (to split the Catholic church) and by fomenting the French Revolution. But for several hundred years, nothing worked as it should. Secret history seems to show us that no matter what the elites of the day did, freedom and knowledge expanded.
We are still at the beginning of such a point of departure. The elites, having created a second, electronic printing press by mistake may now have to take a step back as they did before, 500 years ago. One can see knowledge spreading.
Google's search engine provides us with literally tens of millions of cites for Mises, Hayek and free-market economics. There is a great hunger for information about free-markets and free-market thinking and the Internet has made it possible to satisfy that need.
It seems to have taken about 100 years for the Gutenberg Press to spark the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution, the French Revolution and numerous other social changes. The impact of the Gutenberg Press likely was responsible for a number of ill-defined "Peasant" wars as well, that raged across Europe for 30 years.
The wars were so numerous finally and so wide-ranging that the European leadership of the day had to convene a peace conference in Westphalia that lasted a full decade. Out of it emerged the concept of an inviolate nation state. No country had the right to attack another.
This Peace of Westphalia was deliberately overturned by the UN Security Council in 2005. Something called the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) was substituted in its place. R2P virtually demands that if a leadership is "threatening" it citizens, the big Western powers have an affirmative obligation to intervene. R2P has now embroiled the West in numerous major, military confrontations.
One of the ways that the elites responded to the advent of the Gutenberg Press was through war – and more war. Various low-key wars spread across the length and breadth of Europe. It didn't do much good, though. The Renaissance still happened. The Reformation spun out of control. British royalty was overthrown. The New World was discovered and populated. Freedom was rediscovered and the scientific method was introduced.
One can make a case (and we have) that this paradigm, exactly, is repeating itself. It may be true that an Internet false flag event is being planned by Western elites. War on a false enemy may be declared as a result – and laws passed to restrict the Internet and block the alternative media – all in an attempt to stop truth-telling. But while many who are predicting the demise of the Internet (as a facility for the free dispersal of knowledge), I don't.
There are signs of what is to come. The hacker group Lulzsec recently took down the CIA web site after attacking US Congress web facilities as well. Some have claimed Lulzsec is itself a front for US Intel agencies. Suspicions have been raised as well about the hacker group Anonymous. We reported the other day about CIA Director Leon Panetta, who said in a recent hearing that the US may soon face a cyber attack that would be the equivalent of Pearl Harbor. Alternative Internet websites increasingly have been filled with articles about potential false-flag events.
Over at Washington's Blog, for example, we find an article on false flags entitled, Are Hacker Attacks False Flag Attacks to Justify a Crackdown on the Internet? Washington relates how former Counter Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke told a leading expert on internet free speech, Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig, that there was going to be an "i-9/11″, in other words, an electronic terrorist act, and an "i-Patriot Act" to crack down on freedoms on the Internet under the guise of protecting against such threats.
Washington, like many from the blogosphere, believes that like The Patriot Act, an i-Patriot Act is "sitting in the drawers of the Justice Department for the last 20 years waiting for the event where they would pull it out." This may well be the case. But there are still stubbornly lingering questions over 9/11, with many, according to surveys, apparently harboring suspicions that 9/11 itself constituted some sort of false flag operation intended to start wars and introduce even more authoritarianism into the US.
If one goes online and queries Google with "Internet false flag" nearly FOUR MILLION cites turn up. There is a good deal of consciousness within the alternative press at this point about such potential false flags. A false flag by definition is a secret manipulation. How can an Internet false flag be introduced logically when everybody knows about it and is expecting it?
There are many ways it can happen of course. But in fact, with secrecy all but undermined as regards these black ops, the Anglosphere elite that surely wishes to undermine the Internet Reformation is going to run into considerable pushback if it tries one of these operations. This is not to say it won't happen, only that it may not be nearly as effective as some are now predicting.
This article has tried to show that what is occurring today with respect to a major societal shift in understanding also happened 500 years ago with the advent of the Gutenberg Press. The parallels exist for anyone who wishes to scrutinize them and the affinity of the trend lines are being drawn realtime.
The elites of the day seemingly could not control the ramifications of the Gutenberg Press no matter what they tried to do, and they evidently tried everything from war, to licensing, to false flag events and social manipulation. It didn't matter; force never solves anything longer term. Indeed, "the pen is mightier than the sword." Now, nearly 600 years after Gutenberg's original invention of mass conversation, a "great shift" – Internet Reformation – has begun anew.
Of course, analyzing history in hindsight is a difficult occupation. Certainly people can come to a different conclusion, or even entirely reject this analysis as facile. But for me the parallels are clear. The Internet Reformation itself may prove a great deal more resilient than some now believe. The human hive mind is busy buzzing. The spread of knowledge – real knowledge – continues. The Dark Ages of the 20th century begin to lift and Dreamtime subsides. Information about free-markets continues to spread. Are these trends reversible? Don't think so.
Source: The Daily Bell
Anthony Wile is the founder and editor of Lets connect Facebook and twitter.
Really greater post!Thanks for sharing us!Now i know the real meaning of false Internet.
A lot of useful information that will help me to detect that so called false internet.Thanks for sharing!
It is a great explanation, thanks a lot for the post!
It is a great explanation, thanks a lot for the post!